Friday, March 11, 2011

quiet day

I didn't do too much at all. I did wipe over the heater front. I think I'll include that with the 'big appliances' seeing as it is white and a full metre away from the freezer. I think cats squirt it.

Didn't get to the rubbish bin either. I know that was down as a Monday Mission, but I changed it to Friday (you can save your tasks to another day, which saves copying the text, moving forward 4 weeks or whatever and pasting) simply because rubbish collection day is Friday and I can soak the bin after its collected.

The house is much neater over all though. Ramona noticed the difference when she was here today. Tomorrow I want to do some things in the spare room, even thought its still 'officially' a Zone 2 day. Maybe dismantle the bed? With the bed out of the way I can easily put things in the wall unit. To dismantle the bed though, I have to get everything OFF it..put THAT somewhere and fiddle around with the nuts and bolts. :s Its a chore that would be much nicer to do with someone else. Oh well...cant have everything I guess.

My housework progress started at:-
-making my bed when I got up (Jan)
- following the missions (Feb)
and then
- working on the to-do lists (March)

I hope to incorporate the to do lists into the every day 'housework' - I didn't PLAN on doing it this way, I just *am.* And hey, its working...for ME.

Life is good.

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