Friday, March 25, 2011

End of the week

...and also rubbish day.

Today, and Wednesday, I slept in until 9am! Almost unheard of. No, there were no late nights or interrupted sleep. I'm thinking I am either fighting off bugs (picked up at work), not eating decent meals, and or maybe am just not used to working (though that doesn't make sense, coz I should have slept in last week as well, yeah?) Getting up for work yesterday was an effort as well, Woke at 7 and rolled over for another 15 mins! Would have been so easy to go back to sleep.

Yesterday, being a work day, I didn't have much to do in the way of dishes. I even bought fish and chips on the way home so there were no lunch dishes, and being so full, I didn't need tea. So, sadly, I didn't wash the morning things and they are still in the sink 24 hours later. My bad.

Todays mission is to put away the laundry in your room, with a bonus 'toss five things you don't wear.' Yesterday was 'clear the night stands' and 'toss five things you don't wear.' Well, I don't have night stands, or piled up laundry to put away (its still in the washing machine - we've had rain), and I tossed a pile of clothes last zone 4. I did manage to find a few things to toss from my room though. One was a book I'm not going to read, a couple of other things and a couple of items of clothes. I could have done the trousers properly, but there isn't any room in either bin.

Looking in the trouser drawer though, I think I will get the polar fleece things out and wash them to see if I can get the fluff off, before I need to wear them. I don't want to have fluffy trousers on a day I need to go OUT! Hmm..I best get the polar fleece out of the car as well :)

Still, even with a day off, the house is ok. A day off isn't going to kill me.

My sister just posted this link about displaying kids artwork. If I had kids, I'd be tempted to try this.

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