This spot for...well..years I guess, has been a ..shall we say...problem area. Its not a Hot Spot by definition, but it just ..*is* - you know? It's too dark there for a plant to live in the bottom of the planter, and where else can I put the foot stool? Stuff gathers in the bottom of the planter, coz its an empty void.
This is the area I concentrated on this morning when I got up. BEFORE it used to have an old cupboard door, AND a supermarket shelf, freezer bags, plus assorted other bits of flotsam and jetsam.
This area isn't big enough for an arm chair or anything, and I can't really move the planter. I refuse to get rid of it too. It was made by one of my cousins who was murdered, for my Nan, who also died.
I'll give the footstool Winter, and if I haven't used it then, I'll bin it.
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