had work yesterday from 9-12, then shopping afterwards. While I managed to get out of the house without panicing, I didn't do much in the way of Flyladying. I would have liked to have washed up the coffee cup and cereal bowl, but the whats it of me wouldn't allow me to waste some 4 litres of water to do that. So I left them in the sink.
By the end of the day I was in a blue funk. Not sure why, I just *was.* So no mission got done, and nothing on the to-do list. I didn't even get into the spare room for a bit of de-cluttering (although that is mostly due to having FULL bins, rubbish AND recycling.) Best I could manage before bed was putting the shoes away, doing the dishes and wiping down the sink.
And that was ok. there was no one here bitching at me coz I didn't do anything more than that.
Yesterdays mission (which are now being included on the
Flight Plan pages in Facebook) was to shine the bath. I can do that today. The time difference is a right pain, coz the Flight Plans don't get to me until halfway through the day, and I am a morning person.
A few days ago I asked on the Flyladys Facebook what to do with the 'dead' zones, rather than the 'hot spots,' those places that don't gather anything new, but that also don't get tided as a matter of course. One of my dead zones is the top of the hot water cylinder in the kitchen. I store the drill case and blender up there, but over the back are ..things, (egg cartons and boxes that I know of) that have been there for years.
To get into the corner is dangerous, (no ladder, so I'd need to use a kitchen chair on a slippery floor to get high enough, with no one to call 000 if I fall and hurt myself) so I have left it. I didn't get much in the way of a response. But maybe, after the recycling picked up next week, I can get the recyclables down.
I went looking for more of the flea powder ingredients yesterday, it took a bit, and I still didn't find the naphthalene flakes. The supermarket has a new company supplying them. Or I got the originals at another store.
My morning routine, as its being written about on Maike's blog, consists of waking up (without an alarm), opening the blinds and pulling back one curtain from the comfort of my nice, warm bed, reading in bed for a while. Getting out of bed about 7:30ish. Make the bed. Visit the bathroom, then drag out the clothes I wore yesterday (I know, I'm working on getting dressed properly). Finish opening the curtains. Get dressed, head to the kitchen, turning the computer on as I walk past. Feed the cats (poor starving dears that they are), open the curtains, blinds [put in my password on the puter] and front door. Then back to the kitchen, dodging cats, make coffee, take it to the computer and deal with emails. This takes me all of...15 mins? 30 tops. I don't show as online in chat until I have done everything that needs doing either. No, there is no breakfast in that routine. I have that at least 2 hours after I get up, or when Boof (one of the cats) reminds me he hasn't has his milk.
The morning routine on a work day is much the same, but instead of turning the computer on, I have breakfast. IF, and its a big if, I have everything done, (including bag ready, shoes and bra on), with more than half an hour to go before I leave the house, then I might allow myself to get on the puter. But, as its a huge time suck, I try not to.
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