I was happily reading on the bed yesterday evening, when, on a whim, I decided to start cleaning up under the bed. No clue why inspiration struck while happily ensconced in a book, but it got half done anyway. I pulled out the old box of videos, and transferred them to the new box from the green grocer. There is the entire set of Trials of Life and another dozen or more of other assorted documentaries.
after tossing the old box aside, I got under there and hauled out other bits and pieces that I haven't touched in years. Some went in the video box, some went in the old box for binning. I vacuumed under there as far as I could reach. Pushed the new box under nice and neatly, slid the skirt box down to it and then hauled out other stuff from the top end, including half of an exploded pillow that I was saving for amigurumi stuffing. Vacuumed under that end and binned what I deemed rubbish.
There is still the other side of the bed to do, and I may well get to that tonight. I'm a bit lost as to what to do with all the books on the other side. Most are 'keepers' - but which I have read so many times I can pretty much recite them. I have two e-readers, so I do not NEED these books, and in all honesty, I am unlikely to read them in the next couple (ten) of years. There are FAR too many ebooks to read instead. I'll never get rid of the Trixie Belden ones. They are way too scarce, and I doubt if they will be ebooks at any time in the future.
Well...duh...How about I put them in the WALL UNIT, which I now have access to? Sheesh. Sometimes I can be incredibly dense.
ETA - that is three boxes now in the bin, and less books than I thought in the wall unit. I can now see THROUGH from one side to the other. There is still the box of fabric to be dealt with, and a pile of miscellaneous stuff at the head end on the other side. I think I will get the trusty old rake out for that and drag it through to this side, coz there is more room to move. NOW is a good time with the light coming through.
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