Sunday, January 15, 2012

last weeks missions

I think it is safe to say I didn't even touch them. (or even the ones from the week before). If I *did* do them, it was inadvertently.

Monday - Look up. I have been doing this, but mostly because of the spiders that seem to be prevalent this summer.
Tuesday - Cabinets. No kids, no dogs. Spills are another matter, but I don't think they needed doing anyway.
Wednesday - Fridge. I did this by accident at some stage. Finding the jar of garlic didn't have the lid on right.
Thursday - Counter tops. There isn't enough counter top to fuss over, and I don't like to let it get cluttered coz the usable area is minuscule.
Friday - Sweep and Mop. This definitely hasn't been done, but I did vacuum the kitchen floor.

I had a visitor here on um..Friday, and they asked if I had been 'cleaning up.' Well..not really, I had just put things away - like the baby toys. The visitor sat on the couch for a change, something visitors cant usually do because it has been so cluttered with stuff. I am pleased to report that some 5 weeks or so after I challenged myself to keep it clear, it still is. The freezer has 'off days,' like today. I've been using it to do things on while cooking on the counter/sink. Which I have to actually go and sort out, and wash the dishes in the sink.

ciao bella

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