Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Last weeks Bathroom Missions, and this weeks

Some of these I actually did. Some I didn't of course, but that is mainly because I don't have kids. I do have cats though, so for the kid things that crop up, I think I will try to change those to cat things.

Monday - look up. again, due to spiders, I've done this. I also looked up at the right time to see spots right at the very top of the um..splashback? in the shower. How spots of stuff got up there I don't know. They were scrubbed off.
Tuesday - door knobs, facings etc. I think the door has only been touched once since it was done 'properly' last time.
Wednesday - bathroom vanity. Don't have one, but I have wiped down the sink/cleaned the brush out and washed the mirror. For the record, Pine-o-clean spray cleaner doesn't work well.
Thursday - supply list. All taken care of. I still have enough for six months or more.
Friday - baseboards. This I haven't done as such. I have wiped up the floor where the cats water bowl is - mostly because that was under the mirror and some spray landed there. I need to do it today though, because the cats kindly dispatched a sparrow in the bathroom and left a feathery mess.

This week
Monday - under the bed. Noooooooo...don't make me!!! I'm not up to this yet. there is so much crap under there it's not funny. I might do it on Thursday though, for things to go out in the bin for collection on Friday.
Tuesday - sock and underwear drawer. That was done months ago. There is no need to get in there and do it again. Although, that grey singlet could feasibly go out or be used as rags.

As the house gets tidier I'm feeling emotionally better. Or is that working the other way around? There is a certain amount of..freedom and, I admit it, satisfaction about having a place that is 'coming together.' I don't get up now resenting that I have to make the bed, or that there are still dishes around. I don't resent having stuff on the freezer or the couch. I was resenting that, because I *know* (knew) that fixing it would have only taken a FEW MINUTES. That's all. A few minutes at the end of the day, before 'relaxing' at night. I've timed it. On average it takes me THREE minutes to wash the dishes.

I know there is still a ways to go, but unlike a year or so ago, tidying up (and chucking things out) doesn't scare the crap out of me. I can 'let go' of things and be done with. And people ARE noticing, not only that the house is tidier, but that *I* am also..well..tidier. Right now, instead of sloppy clothes, I have proper ones on. With shoes I can walk out the door and be presentable. This is a significant change. A year ago i would have put of anyone who invited me out because it was too much bother to get into decent clothes and go.

This page on the Feng Shui thoughts about clutter and your home makes a lot of sense to me. I'll get there.

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