Today is the day that I make
Impossible Cheesecake Pie. I started baking this a good 6 years ago on New Years Day. I think the first time was a fluke, to see if it worked. It did, and tastes just like a traditional baked cheese cake, so I kept it up. This year I have kept the left over tinned passion fruit from the Christmas pavlova, and I am thinking that I might try some of it drizzled over the cheesecake when its done, and cool. I don't like wasting almost a whole tin of it, but could never think of a way to use it up.
The people I was dog sitting for returned on Friday. Their broccoli had been picked, blanched and frozen, and the cabbage pared down to the good leaves and poked in the fridge. I am now second guessing whether I ought to have done it. Their table was tidied up, and even polished. The bench sorted out, but not TOO tidied, coz its not my place and I shouldn't be moving too much around. They seemed happy enough about the care I took of their house, yard, and dogs, so this is a good thing. Thankfully I hadn't started sorting my shed out to put in their bin. This is a bit of a shame, coz I would have liked to have gotten rid of stuff.
In my place, I rewound a ball of cotton and found it ok - not damp or smelly. I might try the big one later to make sure. Why I didn't start with that one, I don't know. Now that the people are back the freezer doesn't need the to-do list on it, so the paper is back in here. The couch is STILL clear (almost a month now) and the sink still has the parsley plant on it that really ought to be planted. Except the guinea pigs will eat it, which means I need to plant it in a cage, or out the front. The guinea pigs ate the tomato plants I bought two weeks ago and planted Christmas day. I think I have saved two of the three, but I am still not impressed.
I don't think I did any of last weeks missions.
Monday - Hidden clutter. I don't have any. Not even strewn dvd's/cd's. (Though, if I hadn't done the dressing table last week this would have been a different story)
Tuesday - Rubbish. Again, none. See above.
Wednesday - Stuff. Again, none. I'm getting good at this :) (I *could* have put the Christmas tree away. probably should have. I can do it today)
Thursday - Vacuuming. This I did
Friday - Door knobs. There are none, unless I count the front door, hall door (which is always open and in therefore IN the hall) and laundry door, (again, always open until bed time...oh, front door is always open too!)
Today, a day of rest even O.o, I wiped off the house phone with anti-bacterial wipes, coz it was looking decidedly dusty. I am half thinking of making a slip cover for it.
Well, I better get on with baking the cheesecake. It promises to be a lovely warm day, and the oven needs to be on.