Friday, December 2, 2011

this weeks Missions

Monday - lounge room hot spots. Ok, so I'm working on the couch, and didn't do that on Monday.
Tuesday - vacuum lounge room, tidy front entrance hot spots. Vacuuming is done, and there are no hot spots
Wednesday - toss trash and wipe down walls in lounge room. No walls to wipe. Sorted out the yarn though. Tossed a fair bit.
Thursday - deal with stuff at the entrance to the house. Dust knick knacks. Nothing to deal with in the entrance. I didn't dust the clocks, but I did dust the tv, and associated stuff there. (and the bookshelf in the hall)
Friday - dust entrance ceiling, lights, fixtures. Wipe remotes. I'll Mr Sheen the front door shortly, while the sun is on it, and wipe the remotes with the disinfecting wipes.

The couch is still nice and tidy, and so is the arm chair. The knitting bag has been repaired. Dishes were done and the sink wiped down before bed.

Today being Friday, the rubbish goes out as does the recycling. There is a bag of yarn here that no one on Freecycle wanted, so that is *meant* to go in the bin, but I don't know if I can do that. I might grow some balls and take it to the op shop instead.

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