The To do list for the week is 75% done. The coffee table isn't as good as I want it, but it is better than it was. The desk was wiped down, and things sorted out. Some linen has been binned, some is waiting to be collected after Christmas, and some has been hidden. The dressing table in the lounge room hasn't even been touched. :o
The couch and freezer are still clear. I was all ready to go to bed last night without moving the measuring tape, a scrap of wrapping paper and a pair of scissors. Gave myself a little kick up the bum and put them away. It took..maybe...10 seconds. There is stuff on the freezer now (a list of things to do and change of clothes), but that wont be staying there.
Flylady's missions matched my plans for the week, so that worked out well.
Monday - toss bathroom empties, guest room. The bathroom stuff went out last week so that was ok. The 'guest' room is this one, so I was working on that anyway. I'll allocate the linen to that 'room'
Tuesday - wipe sink, home office. I actually wiped the sink/mirror down, and put a few things away - tweezers in the container, hair ties on the medicine cabinet knob, etc. I am still surprised at how much just those couple of small things make such a difference. The 'office' here and I did the desk anyway.
Wednesday - toilet, front entrance. The toilet was done on the same day as the other wiping (small bathroom with toilet and bath in the same room), and the front entrance doesn't get untidy. It isn't really 'allowed' to, coz I'd trip over everything otherwise.
Thursday - shine tub, 'other' room. The bath will get shined today. The coffee table chore will suffice for having been the 'other' room.
Friday - flat bathroom surfaces, craft room. The bathroom surfaces were ALSO done when I wiped down the bathroom, so that is also done. As it is the 'craft' room today, I will put the dishcloths I've made away.
Next week I get to trial some dog sitting, with a view to having them here for a week or so if they don't eat the cats. That will be fun. Thankfully they have finished shedding. It will be nice to have company for a while.
Best get on with washing the car. I've taken the pram out of it and swept the carpet. The pram is not inside, using the space that the bags of linen had. O.o. Oh..better take the bins out too.
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