I can see a couple of warm spots in the lounge room, but these are/will be easily dealt with. For some unknown reason I simply CANNOT keep the couch and other arm chair free of crap! I don't know why. I don't use them as a rule, so there is no need to absent-mindedly put things on them.
But anyway. I've been in the spare room today, taking down the curtains (and putting them in the washing machine straight away!) and thinking about other options for curtaining in there. Currently the main curtains are a halved double bed doona cover. Not ideal. But I refuse to spend a fortune on real ones. Something also needs to be done about the Queen size bed and mattress in there. The bed has been broken down, but it is still in the way. I'm not sure I want to put it on Freecycle, but I am also fairly sure I will never get around to calling the op shop to see if they want it. I'll likely leave it to deal with 'later' until mid summer. I am really looking forward to having that room back to what it was with the computers and sewing machine set up in there. I now have an overlocker (with issues) so that will also need a place to live. I'm thinking the drive shaft is worn or something, but we'll see. Having everything back in there will free up a LOT of loungeroom space.
The back yard is being worked on a bit at a time. This morning I was out there for all of 10 mins cutting the branches, on the fence side, off the elderberries. I've been trying to get them to be screening plants on the dividing fences. It has taken a few years, but I am getting there. if I can remember to do the fence side pruning while they have no leaves I'll be doing well. Last year I offered the prunings on Freecycle. I may do that again this year.
The boy guinea pigs, who are free ranging, are doing an admirable job of keeping the grass in check. They even get along the fence better than any whipper snipper would. The girls are probably hanging out for some grazing though. The ground has been way too boggy for their cage. Not that the grass has been growing. Cleaning up the girls poo from the concrete path is proving good for the actual garden beds.
Well, the curtains are finished, so I better get them out before it rains again.
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