Monday, April 4, 2011

I am excellent procrastination.

Aside from keeping the sink in order, and making the bed, I have done NOTHING the Flylady way for 4 days.

I think, in part, that came from not having applocable missions to do. Last Friday was Zone 1 (a one day Zone 1 even) - the mission was to clear everything away that doesn't belong. I didn't have anything there. Thursday was lounge room walls, Wednesday was vacuuming. Tuesday was the knick knacks, which I don't have, but I did do my clocks. So, in theory, its been 6 days. :s

The computer is probably the main reason nothing has been done. Get up, get online. Look at the Flylady calendar list and do other stuff. Look at the list again, find something ELSE to do...etc et al - all. bloody. day. Plus, now that a dear friend is back at work and chatting, I always get caught up in conversation. I know it takes maybe a whole five minutes to vacuum, but I still put it off. O.o

Then its the weekend. I went out and did things on Saturday - before doing anything that resembled housework. I hired movies and watched those. To be fair, I was knitting on a couple of socks during this time, and got a fair bit done. I also did laundry, fed the cats (several times), moved the guinea pigs AND helped out the neighbour.

Sunday was much the same, except I sorted out the top shelf of the pantry. Its much neater now, and the containers are in alphabetical order. I know, I'm anal about these things. But now I know that the barley will be on the far left hand side, and the polenta on the far right. I wont need to shuffle anything around trying to find what I am after...too much.

Today it is Zone 2 again, and the mission is the counter tops. This should be easy to do. There is only an 18x40 inch counter top. :s

Being that daylight saving has ended here, I need to change the bedroom curtains to the heavy weight ones, and I think I will strip the bed as well, seeing as its a nice-ish sunny day, even if it is cold. It will rain again sooner or later, and I want this bedding back ON the bed, rather than the other stuff :P

Times awasting.

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