I did some of Thursdays, and then promptly gave up.
I collected Fridays washing on Thursday and did Saturdays laundry on Friday. I didn't get around to debugging the puter last night either. I've updated everything today and will do that later.
So today, being Saturday I need to finish Thursdays pick up, debug the puter AND mop floors/vacuum.
Perhaps Thursday isn't a good day for the picking up. I might change that to Friday and do it when I am debugging. Which will then effectively leave Thursday free. Although, maybe I can make that a 'look around to find stuff you really dont need and toss it in the bin' time.
I dunno. I want to have the place ok for guests. Because there is only me and the cats, *I* take up the spare seat of the couch with whatever I'm working on and assorted crap (remotes, books, pens) and the cats have the two chairs. I shouldn't have to keep visitors at the door because there is no where for them to sit. Just shooing the cats off the chairs doesn't work either, coz then there is cat hair. But then again...guests that stay long enough to need a seat are few and far between. I think the last one would have been the 29th Dec. Kobies parents just stayed long enough to drop her off and pick her up.
Plus I am shit at uh...welcoming them into the place. I can't say 'come in, come in, its too hot/cold/windy/rainy out there.' There seems to be some physical block against doing that. Would I get better if the place was tidier? I doubt it.
heh, for the fun of it I looked up the oft recommended FlyLady. First this I see? "Are YOU living in CHAOS? (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)
Do you feel overwhelmed, overextended, and overdrawn?
Hopeless and you don't know where to start?"
Maybe I'll have a look.
Day 1 - shine sink sounds ok, day 2, get dressed properly doesn't.
Oh ho - http://flylady.net/pages/FLYFaq.asp#hot
Day 8 "This is a working document; do not allow your perfectionism to interfere with the process."
"Remember: You cannot organize clutter - you can only organize the things you love!"
I like this one '"Put Away" Stuff: When the "Put Away" box gets full, take the box in your arms and run around the house (good thing you have shoes on - right?) and put the items in the room where they belong. If they have a place, put them there, if not put them in the room where they logically belong. By the time you have finished you will have a place for everything and everything will be in it's place. '
Now, at week 3, its getting silly. There are a few bits of advice there that I can use though.
But for now. I'm going to sort out the loungeroom floor. :)
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