Friday, July 29, 2011


Ok, technically Spring is officially another month and a bit away, but TODAY is very spring like. Even if the temperature online says its 14.

I've been keeping up with the dishes before bed again, and even willingly wiped down the bathroom. This makes a huge difference to my mornings.

I've stripped the bed today, to wash the sheets and take advantage of the weather.

The car has also been washed, inciting dread to all my local Facebook friends.

All but one of the windows in the house are open to get the breeze.

Additionally, with the spring like feel to the air, yesterday I parked at Kmart and walked into work. Its a mere 10 minute walk, that I almost skipped because 'rain was forecast.' So that 20 min walk to and from the car also boosted energy levels.

The weather and energy wont last, so I plan on making the most of it!

Friday, July 22, 2011


I watched an episode of Hoarders last night, and even though I spent half the time seeing 'things that are still good' one sentence stood out. That was where the 'professional' said that so and so had just tossed the stuff into a room and shut the door on it.

Guess what? that is what 'everyone' suggests when you are having a rough time (sickness, baby problems, too busy) - but I'm not sure I have ever heard how to get back on track. Say you are a new mum, just home from hospital. A partner who is little to no help and who bitches coz 'nothing is done.' So, you tidy up by shoveling everything into the spare room, where he and the guests never go, the main living are is tidy, but you are still knackered. Baby is fussy and wont be put down for 8've still been 'cleaning up' by filling the spare room, except, by now, the spare room is full, so you start on the babies room. Baby sleeps with you coz thats the only way you can get more than 5 mins sleep at a time.

You see the pattern here?

Or perhaps you have been ill...done the same thing, but the thought of facing all that stuff is too overwhelming. So you shut the door. Out of sight, out of mind.

So how to you get started again?

I had a baby here yesterday. Hes been here a few times, but yesterday I also had a house inspection. I knew he would be coming, so I did getting organised things before collecting him. It made me wonder how I managed when I had my own kids. Especially the first one. Its hard enough working out how to cook baby food and go to the loo and do STUFF when you have experience. But the first advice you get when lost with a new baby was..let the housework go. Now that I am older, and presumably wiser, Flylady's 15 mins a day would be easily achieved with a baby sling and fractious baby. 20 years ago baby wearing wasn't common, and I didn't know about Flylady. :s

The house inspection was a breeze. I wiped down the sinks and vacuumed. Even finally putting the clean sheets that were washed a couple of weeks ago. he is here to check the condition of the house NOT my housework skills. As nothing has changed, there wasn't anything to report. but is is very nice not to stress out about the housework.

I'm still not even looking at the missions for the day. I should. They would give me something to do. But now that the days are getting longer and also nicer, I feel more motivated to keep things tidy. Laundry can be hung on the line, rather than on the clothes horse inside. The back door can be open to let fresh air in. I guess as long as I can keep the house at a sustainable level, a few months 'off' over Winter is ok.