There was no sleeping with the window open, coz it was too windy and the weights in the blinds bang and crash against the wall. I did take a multi vitamin and a couple of cod liver oil capsules - for the Vit D.
This morning, I told myself that I couldn't get online until the lounge was tidy, so I sorted most of that out to a tolerable level and put the corned beef on. This bit of meat is brilliant in the crock pot.
Before and after shots.
I am wanting to find a way/place to store the socks I am knitting. Right now they live on the couch, in the bottom left side of the after shot, or on the arm of it. There are four pairs on the go at the moment. That's...more than 27 needles. Nine for each pair, plus however many for the store bought socks I am reknitting which has the instep stitches on a circular.
Anyway, I feel much better about it being tidier. But I expect that is the added vitamins more than anything else. This weeks Zone is the lounge so I guess I am still sort of on track.